Lesson 3 - The Deities

As stated in the earlier lesson, many Wiccans acknowledge a supreme divine power personified into two basic beings: the Goddess and the God. Many Wiccans see the deities as inherent in all things. The Goddess and God are inside, as well as outside. You can feel their energies in stones and sand, within animals, plants and trees, and within yourself. Watching the sun or moon rise and set each day can be considered a ritual unto itself, because these are the heavenly symbols of the God and Goddess.
Many Wiccans see them as named deities from ancient religions. Diana, Pan, Isis, Hermes, Cerridwen, Thoth -- the list is virtually endless. Some are comfortable associating them with names and forms. Others prefer a lack of names and shapes. Listen to your heart and find Spirit in the form that is most comfortable to you.
Please read The Charge of the Goddess and The Charge of the God . You may want to print them out to include in your Book of Shadows. After reading, consider the following questions. We will discuss these in the next class.
  1. What does the Goddess want from us? What does the God want from us?
  2. How can we achieve this "love" the Goddess looks for?
  3. What Christian/other religious scripture/prayer are these similar to?
  4. What do these mean to YOU?

Just for fun:
Watch a few movies over the weekend, looking for pagan influences (good and bad). Hint: Disney movies are a great place to start.

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